Monday 29 April 2013

Still Stranded in a Wet Lugano.

Well it's been a thoroughly wet day today.  It began raining last night about midnight and we woke this morning to stair rods!!  It has continued in the same vein all day so we have remained close to the hotel apart from a potter round the local village for coffee and cake.  We have bad news but the good news is that the temperature in Umbria where we are headed is 26 degrees and sunny!!!  Can't wait.  There is, however bad news on the car front.  It is going to take up to 10 days to get the spare parts from the UK and then another couple of days to repair it.  All is not lost, however, as the RAC, bless them, are paying for a hire car for us for up to 14 days (as well as helping with the hotel bill we have accrued so far).  So tomorrow we shall be on the road again.  We may yet decide to camp near Florence depending on the weather or we may carry straight on to the villa.  I may even be tempted to play On The Road Again by Canned Heat on the Ipod.  Now that's showing my age!!  In the meantime we are planning on eating in our hotel tonight and it may soon have to time for the first beer of the evening.  Think I've earned it!!  We cannot praise our hotel highly enough.  They have been amazingly sympathetic and friendly. Their help on the car front has been invaluable.  If you are ever in Lugano and need a friendly family hotel close to the motorway head for Hotel Vezia, San Gottardo 32, 6943, Vezia, Lugano.

Poor weather and negotiations on the car front have kept the camera in the bag today so I include some images from yesterday.

Azalia, Hotel Vezia.

The wonderful hotel itself.



Wisteria and steps, Gandria.

Roof Gandria.

Gandria and Lake Lugano.

Looking towards Monte San Salvatore.


  1. Sorry to read about the car Mike. Glad it's not dampening (sic) yer holiday too much.

  2. Good/bad come together again. I'm sure you will make the best of it. Don't request a Land Rover! Love to Heather. Beer and Canned Heat! Whoo-hoo!
