Saturday 4 May 2013

An Orchid Fest in Umbria.

Up early this morning to wonderful views and weather. We are on a ridge here at Casale Cocchinella, below the attractive village of Castelvecchio and have spectacular views into deep valleys on both sides. On one side is the main valley leading back to Spoleto, while the other way gives stunning vistas towards the mountain village of Preci, perched precipitously on a steep hillside. While Peter went for a run Linda and myself drove down into Preci for bread.  Breakfast followed at a leisurely pace outside in the sun. Once breakfast was over we spent an hour or so setting up rooms for photography for the villa website.  We also spread out tent and groundsheet to dry in the sun before setting off down the valley for shopping. On our return Peter and I wandered down the valley towards Preci hunting for orchids.  To date ( Tuesday 7th May) I have 13 new species in the bag.  Later a walk over towards a nearby village rewarded us with more views and flowers before returning to prepare a BBQ.  A relaxing and sociable evening with Rob followed catching up with family memories.
Woodcock Orchid

Castelvecchio just above the villa.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful orchid Mike. I have just realised you have posted way beyond the 'tagged' pages I had been scanning. Doh! Need to catch up on your blog now!! I was beginning to wonder....
